2009 Peugeot Citroen Fiat ECU SW9665066380 HW9661256980

2009 Peugeot Citroen Fiat ECU SW9665066380 HW9661256980

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2009 Peugeot Citroen Fiat ECU
Part Numbers SW9665066380 HW9661256980 . Condition is Used.Please have a look at our other items and any questions please don’t hesitate to get in touch. For any enquires please contact us at:  JM AUTOSPARES LTD 
BT34 2EU 
02830850080  Stocking parts for all makes and models 
Worldwide postage available on all parts 
Stock changes daily 
1000s of parts shelved 
Returns accepted within 14 days of sale Shipping Information Orders will be shipped within 2 business days of placing your order, this is a maximum time and it will usually be done within 1 business day. You should receive your order within 3 to 5 working days.    Terms of Sale  We take great care packaging every item to ensure safe shipment to you. We charge a postage fee only to cover our costs of materials and labour. We aim to dispatch all orders within 24 hours of payment. All items are packed to the highest standard possible, but please check all items before signing for them. Unless we contact you to state otherwise, most parts are dispatched same day for next working day delivery. Once bought, please email with your contact phone number for delivery purposes. All parts are stamped & removal of the marks will invalidate your warranty. Items will be delivered either by haulier or parcel delivery courier. In both cases items should be inspected before signing to ensure the item is not missing parts and has not been damaged in transit. If on inspection the item/items prove to be damaged or missing, do not sign & contact us immediately. If the courier refuses to let you inspect the item, simply write DAMAGED and then sign. This is to ensure that if necessary, a claim can be made against the courier company, if goods do prove to be damaged upon inspection. This item comes with a 2 week warranty. In the event that a part is supplied and proven to be incorrect or faulty, we must be notified within 24 hours. Genuinely faulty goods will be replaced, or if a replacement is not available, money refunded, but we cannot cover any labour costs. However, it is the customer’s responsibility to pay for and ship the item back to us complete. If the item is found to be faulty, we will also refund the postage cost. In the event that a part is supplied as listed, correctly, but the customer has made an error, or where the customer decides not to keep the item, we must be contacted immediately and the item/items must then be returned to us in a re-saleable, complete, condition within 7 days at the cost of the customer. A refund will be given, minus a 20% handling fee, but original postage and delivery costs will not be refunded. Where refunds are due we must have the item back before issuing any refunds. We may ask for photographs of any damage prior to returning the parts to us. We never part refund or compensate for items that are claimed to be damaged without any proof. We will inspect all items once returned to us for any damage or faults, and to make sure the item has not been tampered with in any way.

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Category: Vehicle Parts and Accessories:Car Parts:Other Car Parts
Location: Newry

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