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C150 Citroen C5 MK3 III Rd Manual Transmission 5 Speed
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Condition: fully functional, used
Please expect no new parts!It’s used parts, therefore can wear and damage (E.g. various brackets or parts can cancel when removing).We assume not disassemble or rebuild costs with warranty! (In accordance with our terms and conditions BBs) Please expect no new parts! It’s used parts, therefore can wear and damage (E.g. various brackets or parts can cancel when removing). So please just look at pictures. Only that which can be seen in the pictures is delivered! No accessories! We assume no dismantling or reconstruction costs for more spare parts please consultPlease compare the part number or ask your friendly dealer for part numbers to avoid Fehlkufe! For further questions we are gladly available in advance by bank transfer payment via PayPal the item offered by us is a used replacement part. Used spare parts are usually always wear, therefore it is also known as needed! Signs of wear are, therefore, no reason for a complaint. Used spare parts cost usually a fraction compared with new spare parts. You should be aware of before buying or bidding on that you used one herePurchase item with traces of use. You should therefore only offer or buy, if they actually want to purchase a used item. Condition is all original with wear registered brand names and trademarks are the property of their respective owners, and are used only for the better explanation and description of the offered here (used) article. The name of the legal owner is protected, and is used here only because he is part of the product and indicates the quality of the (used) articles offered here by me. Misunderstandings, unnecessary return shipping, to prevent time retractable and hastily purchased parts, we would like to ask you based on your Fahrzeugidentnummer the respective spare parts-before asking to purchase at your local subsidiary or directly with us, what replacement part for your vehicle is suitable.
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Category: Vehicle Parts and Accessories:Car Parts:Other Car Parts
Location: Peterberg bei Fulda