Mot. window lift front left. CITROEN C4 Diesel /R:3902940

Mot. window lift front left. CITROEN C4 Diesel /R:3902940

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Mot. window lift front left. CITROEN C4 Diesel /R:3902940


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2 DOORSvehicle:
Model: C4 Diesel
-Online 11 year 04: 15/04/2008
Power: Diesel
Engine: 9HX
Displacement: 1560
Fiscal power: 6
DIN power: 90
Color: White
Mine type: LA9HXC
Doors: 3

Internal ref: 3902940
Marque Citroen (Pice d’origine authentique)

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Category: Vehicle Parts and Accessories:Car Parts:Other Car Parts
Location: 67150 GERSTHEIM

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